Analysis of the Articles Published in the Journal Turismo em Análise between 2004 and 2015


  • Camila Lopes Seixas Federal University of São Carlos - UFSCar, Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brazil.
  • Monica Filomena Caron Federal University of São Carlos UFSCar, Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brazil.



Methodology, Tourism research, Tourism under analysis, Turismo em Análise.


This research analyzed publications of the journal Turismo em Análise in the period between 2004 and 2015. The authors’ academic training was scrutinized, as well as university subjects, fields, or study approaches embraced by Tourism studies, including how relevant they were in the development of research and its episteme. Such analysis consisted of mapping of methodologies, a bibliographic study on methodology
and on Tourism methodology, documentary research on the journal’s website and in printed copies provided by the School of Arts and Communication (ECA – Escola de Comunicação e Artes) from the University of São Paulo (USP – Universidade de São Paulo). Articles were mapped to identify their: field of human activity; usage of the results;
data nature and source; levels of generalization of results; observation techniques and instruments. Our results are presented in tables and charts, which indicate an increasing number of publications concerning Tourism by researchers from the fields of Administration, Geography, Economics, and Communication, as well as a significant increment of PhD researchers in the fields of Tourism in the period analyzed. Regarding
study approaches, a tendency to the emergence of planning and business (administration) studies was observed.


Author Biographies

  • Camila Lopes Seixas, Federal University of São Carlos - UFSCar, Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brazil.

    Master’s student in Environmental Management Sustainability at the Federal University of São
    Carlos, Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brazil.

  • Monica Filomena Caron, Federal University of São Carlos UFSCar, Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brazil.

    Post-doctorate in Linguistics from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, São
    Paulo, Brazil. Lecturer in the Department of Geography, Tourism, and Humanities of the Federal
    University of São Carlos, Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brazil.



How to Cite

SEIXAS, Camila Lopes; CARON, Monica Filomena. Analysis of the Articles Published in the Journal Turismo em Análise between 2004 and 2015. Revista Turismo em Análise, São Paulo, Brasil, v. 29, n. 1, p. 35–55, 2018. DOI: 10.11606/issn.1984-4867.v29i1p35-55. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 mar. 2025.