Mobile technology in the management of tourist activities in Aracaju, SE, Brazil


  • Leylane Meneses Martins Instituto Federal de Sergipe
  • Jose Wellington Carvalho Vilar Instituto Federal de Sergipe
  • Rosangela Vilela Sobral Silva Instituto Federal de Sergipe
  • Marcélio de Oliveira Santana Faculdade de Administração e Negócios de Sergipe. FANESE



Tourism governance, Technology, Mobile technology, Aracaju/SE


This study discusses the increasing influence of mobile technologies in the management of tourism companies by public managers and tourism suppliers’ perspectives in Aracaju, capital of the state of Sergipe. Technology has modified society and, consequently, its economy. In the tourist field, it has improved the potential of destinations through promotion and marketing, shortened distances, and catalyzed knowledge in a fast and competitive way. The literature review is constituted of subjects such as tourism management, governance, and mobile technology. In this context, the data collection process was conducted by means of a specific form with five objective questions applied to public managers and tourist service providers in order to evaluate the intervention of mobile technologies in the company’s governance and management. Five tourism provider groups from Aracaju constitute the field research: lodging facilities, travel agencies, car rental companies, and state and municipal management. Statistical analysis showed that the use of mobile technology leads to transformations in tourism governance and management, thus being a relevant tool that facilitates, intermediates and accelerates decision-making and the strategy process, hence bringing tourists closer to the tourist offer, as well as solving everyday business needs.


Author Biographies

  • Leylane Meneses Martins, Instituto Federal de Sergipe

    Mestre em Turismo pelo Instituto Federal de Sergipe (IFS), Aracaju, SE, Brasil.

  • Jose Wellington Carvalho Vilar, Instituto Federal de Sergipe

    Doutor em Análisis Geográfico en la Ordenación del Teritorio pela Universidade de Granada, Granada,
    Espanha. Docente do Instituto Federal de Sergipe (IFS), Aracaju, SE, Brasil.

  • Rosangela Vilela Sobral Silva, Instituto Federal de Sergipe

    Master’s degree in Tourism at Instituto Federal de Sergipe (IFS), Aracaju, SE, Brazil.

  • Marcélio de Oliveira Santana, Faculdade de Administração e Negócios de Sergipe. FANESE

    Technologist in Information Management at Faculdade de Administração e Negócios de Sergipe - FANESE, Aracaju, SE, Brasil. 


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How to Cite

MARTINS, Leylane Meneses; VILAR, Jose Wellington Carvalho; SILVA, Rosangela Vilela Sobral; SANTANA, Marcélio de Oliveira. Mobile technology in the management of tourist activities in Aracaju, SE, Brazil. Revista Turismo em Análise, São Paulo, Brasil, v. 29, n. 3, p. 396–412, 2018. DOI: 10.11606/issn.1984-4867.v29i3p396-412. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 mar. 2025.