Netnography as a Tourism Research Method
Analysis from Post-Graduation Studies in Brazil
Netnography, Tourism, Research Methodology, Scientific production, Postgraduate studiesAbstract
The netnographic method is included in the qualitative studies that seek to carry out researches in virtual communities. In this context, this study aims to analyze the use of the netnographic method in the dissertations and theses defended in the Postgraduate programs in the area of Tourism in Brazil, until July 2018, through a qualitative approach documentary analysis. Regarding the results, it was verified that of the 811 studies analyzed, only three used the netnography. However, the application of netnography in these works presented limitations that function as restrictive factors, such as the superficiality in the analysis of the collected data, and the scarcity of a reflexive analysis on the behaviors and discourses manifested in the virtual communities. On the other hand, the method also presented facilitating aspects that favored its choice, such as easy access to data collection in the virtual environment and to the registers of travelers and stakeholders of the tourist activity, and less invasive data collection than in-person methods, among others. Despite being a recent and little-used method in the area of Tourism, it is shown as a viable alternative for researchers studying virtual communities, if they are applied with rigorous scientific criteria.
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