The social construction of tourism identity: a view from organizational institutionalism
Identity of the tourist destination, Organizational institutionalism, Social construction, Legitimacy, Tourism governanceAbstract
The essay aims to establish a dialogue between the concepts of "organizational identity", "social constructionism" and "tourist activity" from the perspective of Organizational Institutionalism, demonstrating their complementarity, in order to contribute to new possibilities for discussion between these themes. The tourist identity is the result of social construction processes in which the fact that a locality has attractions that demonstrate some tourism potential does not confer legitimacy in the organizational field of tourism. Identity happens through interaction between different organizational actors that make up this field and receive external and internal influences in the development of their activities. The appropriation of identity by the actors that form the field happens gradually, through institutional processes. Thus, it is concluded that: (i) the tourist identity of a place is characterized by the attractions that it has and that, through defined guidelines, condition actions and behaviors that maximize its usefulness, being shaped by the scenario in which they are inserted, legitimizing be in the organizational field of which it is a part, above all by the senses and meanings that are linked to it; and that (ii) it is necessary to build the organizational identity of a place based on attributes of "centrality", "distinctiveness" and "durability" that legitimize it, thus, being considered a tourist destination and having a positive impact, enabling its development.
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