Determining factors of international tourist arrivals in Rio de Janeiro: evidence based on linear regression models
Tourism demand, Elasticity of tourism demand, Exchange rate, Macroeconomic influences on tourism, StatisticsAbstract
This paper aimed to analyze the main economic determinants of international tourist demand in the state of Rio de Janeiro. To that end, we used Multiple Linear Regression models in first differences using annual data from 2000 to 2017. The sensitivities of the tourist demand flows from seven of the ten main countries to the state of Rio de Janeiro were estimated considering income and real exchange rates. The only statistically significant effect was that of the exchange rate on tourist demand from Argentina. The results contradict well-established theoretical propositions and empirical evidence, which might be associated with the poor quality of tourism statistics in Brazil and/or to the simplified nature of the statistical model adopted. However, the insensitivity of international demand with respect to income and to exchange rate can also be partly explained by the marginal position of the state of Rio de Janeiro in the outbound tourism of the selected countries. Thus, the present paper establishes an innovative research hypothesis to be tested in future studies.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Isabela Lima Pinheiro da Camara, João Evangelista Dias Monteiro, Glauber Eduardo de Oliveira Santos

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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Grant numbers PORTARIA No 206, DE 4 DE SETEMBRO DE 2018