Potentialities of geotourism for the creation of a new tourist segmentation in Brazil
Tourist segmentation, Segmentation of the tourist offer, GeotourismAbstract
The tourism as an economic activity presents itself in segments that assemble those who produce, distribute, and consume the services in a space. Geotourism appears as a proposal for a new segment, which valorizes natural and cultural heritage by visiting and interpretating abiotic attractions. This paper proposes the discussion of Geotourism as a tourist segment under the auspices of the theoretical framework of the Ministério do Turismo (MTUR). For this purpose, a bibliographical and documentary research of the expressions “geotourism” and “tourist segment” was carried out in scientific and technical productions on the Google Scholar, Scopus, and Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações platforms. The results suggest the lack of consensus among Geotourism researchers over its classification as a tourist segment, but MTUR assumptions provide subsidies for it to be recognized and prioritized in public policies of regionalization and sustainability in the future. We recommend the construction of an integrated network of geotourist supply and demand, at local, regional, and national levels, so that the modality is listed and validated as a tourist segment.
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