Categorization of travel decisions by user-generated content: a proposal for content marketing management
Content marketing, User-generated content, Travel decisions, Online monitoringAbstract
Marketing has been a very active field in the tourism market and studies, mainly because of the constant need to improve its practices, considering the changes and complexity of both the consumer and the tourism activity itself. This article presents the content marketing technique inferring its importance for tourism, especially for the dissemination of destinations in a virtual environment, attenuating the low quality of official sites, and bringing relevant and valuable information to the consumer. For this, we carried out an exploratory and descriptive study, with quantitative and qualitative results, based on the online monitoring of a virtual community of travelers. Based on content analysis, we ranked the most searched subjects, such as “Tourist Itinerary Tips”, “General Tips”, “Alternative Accommodation”, “Costs”, etc., and identified the decisions in already established categories and in new categories, such as: “Travel accessories”, “Exchange and financial transactions” and “Communication”. Identifying the categories and the items presented consist only of one of the several steps for the development of an organization’s content marketing, considering proposals for content production frameworks. Thus, this research can instigate new studies of content marketing monitoring in tourism, besides helping producers of tourism content to develop effective works with this important technique.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Jackson de Souza, Gislainy Laíse da Silva, Sérgio Marques Júnior

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