Stakeholder Analysis and Management of Lodging Ventures: multiple case study in the Vila do Abraão, Ilha Grande, RJ, Brazil


  • Erika Sayuri Koga Universidade Anhembi Morumbi
  • Elizabeth Kyoko Wada Universidade Anhembi Morumbi



tourism, hospitality, stakeholders, lodging management. Ilha Grande.


Verify the involvement of the lodging sector with the various groups that influence or can influence an organization, the so-called stakeholders, can improve the connections. This research is aimed to diagnose the relationship between the accommodation sector and stakeholders for the development of tourism in the locality. As specific objectives, aims to rank the level of importance of each stakeholder for the success of business and identify the ways of integrating lodging sector and stakeholders in the Vila do Abraão, at Ilha Grande. The work consisted of an exploratory study with qualitative and multiple case studies of accommodations in the Vila do Abraão, located at Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Reviewed the literature on business management, taking the work of Freeman (1984) as its reference point. There were identified nine stakeholders that influence the management of lodging facilities. The groups identified have different levels of importance to business success, noting that customers and the media are stakeholders with greater influence. The existing relations of cooperation are scarce and lack of management projects to improve the connections with stakeholders.


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Author Biographies

  • Erika Sayuri Koga, Universidade Anhembi Morumbi
    Mestre em Hospitalidade pela Universidade Anhembi Morumbi, Especialista em Gestão Empresarial pela FGV-RJ, Bacharel em Turismo pela Universidade de São Paulo e Tecnóloga em Hotelaria pelo SENAC-SP
  • Elizabeth Kyoko Wada, Universidade Anhembi Morumbi
    Doutora em Ciências da Comunicação pela Universidade de São Paulo, Mestre em Ciências da Comunicação pela Universidade de São Paulo, Especialista em Administração Mercadológica pela EAESP/FGV, graduada em Turismo pelo Centro Universitário Ibero Americano Unibero e em Comunicação Social - Relações Públicas pela Universidade de São Paulo






How to Cite

KOGA, Erika Sayuri; WADA, Elizabeth Kyoko. Stakeholder Analysis and Management of Lodging Ventures: multiple case study in the Vila do Abraão, Ilha Grande, RJ, Brazil. Revista Turismo em Análise, São Paulo, Brasil, v. 24, n. 1, p. 90–118, 2013. DOI: 10.11606/issn.1984-4867.v24i1p90-118. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.