Hospitality and the dimensions of welcoming and belonging: an analysis of the perception of the host-resident of Campos do Jordão
Hospitality, Tourism, Community, Host-residentAbstract
This study aims to comprehend the host’s point of view over the relationship established by the tourist activity – understanding that he/she occupies one of the borderline positions of this relationship – from the perspective of hospitality, in its dimension of welcoming and belonging. The main objective is to understand how the host community of a tourist destination, such as the city of Campos do Jordão, state of São Paulo, Brazil, evaluate the tourism and the actors involved in this activity. The study also sought to identify the host community perception of the city, the tourism, and the tourist. The methodology used exploratory analyses, using a non-probabilistic sampling, classified as a street survey, totaling 115 questionnaires applied to local citizens during June 2020. Results showed the support for tourism activities by the respondents but some grievances of the population demonstrate they are starting to feel the negative costs of having tourism as the main activity in the locality. This work is expected to lead to an understanding of the impacts of tourism on the daily lives of residents, allowing public policies for more effective actions for their involvement and active participation in the local tourism organizational processes.
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