Indication and implementation of technology devices assistive from the use of the theoretical model “Matching Person Technology (MPT)”


  • Micaele Souza Cunegundes Universidade de Brasília
  • Ana Cristina de Jesus Alves Universidade de Brasília



Self-help device, Outcome and process assessment (Health care), Rehabilitation, Disabled persons, Occupational therapy, Assistive Technology


In Brazil, studies have revealed gaps in theoretical foundations and in the specific assessment instruments of the area of Assistive Technology (AT). Objective: Indicate and implement AT from the Matching Person Technology model and identify the factors that favored or limited this process. Method: It is a study of four cases with descriptive qualitative nature. We used the Assistive Technology Device Predisposition Assessment and observation script. The quantitative data were analyzed by the sum of the scores, expressed in frequencies and the qualitative ones by the Bardin content analysis. Results: 1 notebook of alternative communication (AC), 2 boards of AC, 1 bracelet of weight and 1 software for communication were elaborated. In 90% of the participants, the language was mentioned as a limitation, 100% identified more positive factors for the use of AT and 90% had high expectations regarding the use of AT Observation showed favorable factors (active participation in the choices, ease of use, family support) or limiting the use of the device (frustration, parents’ difficulty in accepting the choices and social restriction). Discussion and Conclusion: The model and the evaluation used contributed to the choice of the device and in the implementation process of AT.







How to Cite

Cunegundes, M. S., & Alves, A. C. de J. (2018). Indication and implementation of technology devices assistive from the use of the theoretical model “Matching Person Technology (MPT)”. Revista De Terapia Ocupacional Da Universidade De São Paulo, 29(2), 155-163.