The affirmation and production of freedom: a challenge for the psychosocial care centers


  • Fernanda Nicácio USP; FM; Departamento de Fisioterapia, Fonoaudiologia e Terapia Ocupacional
  • Gastão Wagner de Sousa Campos UNICAMP; Faculdade de Ciências Médicas; Departamento de Medicina Preventiva e Social



Mental health, Deinstitutionalization, Mental health services^i2^stre, Community mental health services, Occupational therapy^i2^stre


The analysis of the panorama of mental health care in the context of the Unified Health System indicates a significant moment in the change process going through the care model. In this scenario it is essential to think hard about the challenges of translating psychiatric reform directives and principals into daily practice of services and substitute projects and, in special, Psychosocial Care Centers - strategic devices of psychosocial care network. Taking as reference Basaglian contributions and deinstitutionalization authors, and the analysis of the trajectory of the Northeastern Psychosocial Care Center as a twenty-four-hour, open, territorial-based, substitutive service, components of the given study, this article discusses the central importance of the role of freedom for overcoming the asylum model. It is noteworthy to say that this perspective reflects innovations in the therapeutic practice, inscribe new signatures for professional practice, and represents new possibilities for the co-production process with people in mental suffering over their life projects in the territories.


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How to Cite

Nicácio, F., & Campos, G. W. de S. (2007). The affirmation and production of freedom: a challenge for the psychosocial care centers . Revista De Terapia Ocupacional Da Universidade De São Paulo, 18(3), 143-151.