Health and social services in the Guarani young persons experiences of Boa Vista community


  • Maria Daniela Corrêa Macedo Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Medicina
  • Denise Dias Barros Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Medicina; Departamento de Fisioterapia, Fonoaudiologia e Terapia Ocupacional



Primary health care, Indigenous health, Indigenous populations, Intersectional action


As between modes of life and the perception of the processes of health/disease anchored in their context, this article compels to present how the young in the Guarani indigenous community of Boa Vista in Ubatuba/SP, notices and gives great attention to health services embedded in their lives and in their community dynamics. The qualitative research and case study accomplished including the participation of four 13 to 29 years old Guarani-Mbyá youngsters, were openly submitted to interviews. Recorded and subsequently transcribed into texts, between 2007 and 2009. Histories of life evidenced the importance of health as cultural mediation space between a city and a village and it's way of life also the perception of health and disease processes. The way of life in the village, its values, myths, ritual processes and conception of relationship among beings - constitutes a context based knowledge, which sometimes conflict with the technical-scientific knowledge, seeing it's complements of life in different aspects. The article questions the conditions of cohabitation of such knowledge also the outlines of dialog that it life establishes in the area of health services and the perception of the young within cultures, both uniquely being collective, denoting the coexistence of two worlds of logical differentiated conception in health. Dialogue among different culture and it's concepts is essential. Therefore, the relevant challenge is to value the integration of knowledge and dialog among cultures for the improvement of our health services and its practical association. Strong presence in the use of Guarani therapeutics such as baths, herbs, diets, pajelanças and/or rites initiation were also observed in association with therapeutics and procedures proposed by the General Health System (SUS).


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How to Cite

Macedo, M. D. C., & Barros, D. D. (2010). Health and social services in the Guarani young persons experiences of Boa Vista community . Revista De Terapia Ocupacional Da Universidade De São Paulo, 21(3), 182-188.