Occupational therapy's theoretical-practical overview in cardiovascular health care for adults and older adults: an integrative review
Occupational therapy, Cardiovascular diseases, Senior, Adult, Health care, Heart diseasesAbstract
: Introduction: Scientific evidence about the occupational therapist's practice in cardiovascular diseases is insufficient. Objective: Comprehend occupational therapy's theoretical-practical overview in cardiovascular care for adults and older adults. Method: An integrative bibliographic review was conducted with the indexed literature in the following databases: PsycInfo; Cochrane; Web of Science; PUBMED; SCOPUS; EMBASE; LILACS; SciELO; CINAHL; Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine Source; Academic Searcher Premier, from 1917 to 2020. Results: It was identified that the interventions comprehended different aspects such as: health education, energy conservation, increasing self-perception of health, optimization of residual functional capacity, the resumption as much as possible of the prior condition before the cardiac event, engaging in meaningful activities, providing emotional support and encouraging mobility, stress management, and community participation. Conclusion: It addressed the practice of occupational therapy in cardiovascular health, especially in hospital care with cardiac rehabilitation teams, which highlights the need for further research that evidences its relevance in territorial contexts.
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