The work of an occupational therapist in a functional reintegration program at a brazilian public university




Occupational Therapy, Occupational Health, Return To Work, Health Promotion


The health of civil servants is a public health issue and has become increasingly important in recent years. The aim of this qualitative, descriptive and exploratory study was to describe a functional reintegration program at a Brazilian federal university and the role of the occupational therapist in this program. To this end, official documents were consulted and a semi-structured interview was carried out. The results described the organization of the program and the duties prescribed to the occupational therapist (carrying out work capacity assessments when requested by the team doctor; clinical assessment of the civil servants participating in the program; analysis of work activities; issuing technical opinions and taking part in case discussions) in the team. It was possible to ascertain that the program has a physician-centered practice and that the analysis of work activity is not a central action. There is discussion of 'work performance assessment' rather than 'work capacity assessment' and the implications of taking work activity into account. A limiting factor of the study was the lack of a detailed description of the occupational therapist's work and the scarce literature. The importance of developing more studies on this subject and the need to create health promotion and functional reintegration programs in Brazilian universities is highlighted.


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Author Biographies

  • Julia Viana Honorio, Federal University of Paraná. PR. Brazil

    Student of Occupational Therapy - Federal University of Paraná

  • Julia Barbosa Walker, Federal University of Paraná

    Student of Occupational Therapy - Federal University of Paraná

  • Angela Paula Simonelli, Federal University of Paraná

    Occupational therapist, professor at the Department of Occupational Therapy at the Federal University of Paraná.


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How to Cite

Honorio, J. V., Walker, J. B., & Simonelli, A. P. (2023). The work of an occupational therapist in a functional reintegration program at a brazilian public university. Revista De Terapia Ocupacional Da Universidade De São Paulo, 33(1-3), e211850.