Insomnia aspects in adults and the relationship with the occupational performance


  • Aline Midori Adati Kubota Aluna de Graduação do Curso de Terapia Ocupacional, Universidade de Brasília – UnB, Brasília, DF, Brasil
  • Maria de Nazareth Rodrigues Malcher Doutoranda do Ensino em Saúde (Instituto de Psicologia/ Faculdade Ceilândia – Universidade de Brasília). Professora Assistente do Curso de Terapia Ocupacional, Faculdade Ceilândia/ UnB.
  • Adaiane Bassini Masioli Médica Psiquiatra do Hospital Universitário de Brasília, Hospital Universitário de Brasília – HUB, Brasília, DF, Brasil



Sleep initiation and maintenance disorders, Adults, Sleep initiation and maintenance disorders/physiology, Social environment, Sleep/physiology, Employment/psicologia, Occupational performance


Insomnia is conceptualized as a disorder defi ned by the existence of diffi culty initiating or maintaining sleep or dissatisfaction with the quality of sleep and it can interfere with the performance of cognitive and social activities. This theoretical study aimed to study about the insomnia in adults and the changes that affect the occupational performance. The study
developed a bibliographic review of narrative’s type of the period 2002 to 2012, held in electronic databases using as descriptors, in Portuguese and in English, insônia and desempenho ocupacional. It was found 398 articles, and selected 16 articles. The publications
have a higher frequency in the year 2012 and only scientific articles in English language were related to the research topic. The main disorders related with the occupational performance of
adults relate to losses presented in different contexts such as in the school environment, family, social and work. Among these aspects that interfere in occupational performance stand out:
cognitive changes, fatigue during the day; lower productivity at work or in daily activities in general; absenteeism, highlighting related to work; mood disorders; anxiety; family relationships and social disadvantage; and accidents at work.


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Author Biography

  • Aline Midori Adati Kubota, Aluna de Graduação do Curso de Terapia Ocupacional, Universidade de Brasília – UnB, Brasília, DF, Brasil
    Terapia Ocupacional






How to Cite

Adati Kubota, A. M., Malcher, M. de N. R., & Masioli, A. B. (2014). Insomnia aspects in adults and the relationship with the occupational performance. Revista De Terapia Ocupacional Da Universidade De São Paulo, 25(2), 119-125.