Deployment specialized center in rehabilitation: advantages and disadvantages mentioned by local health managers


  • Juarez de Souza Pereira Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • Wiliam César Alves Machado Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro



Rehabilitation, Health management, Regional health planning.


This study sought to identify the advantages and disadvantages determined by the managers about the deployment of the Specialized Rehabilitation Center, as a regional reference in a municipality of Centro Sul Fluminense region, Três Rios/RJ, Brazil. Exploratory and descriptive research, quantitative approach. Data collected by personal interviews, semi-structured instructions, with 27 participants, in the first semester of 2014, analyzed in the light of Qualiquantisoft® version 1.3c. Central ideas emerged about advantages, such as: better quality of life; ease of access; provision of specialized services; to prevent the displacement; guarantee of a quality service at low cost; improvement of management in the transport sector; could not inform, and no advantage. Regarding the disadvantages: difficulties with transportation; increased demand; and concerns and responsibilities in guaranteeing health care services. Despite the advantages, it is concluded that they are not in its fullness with the benefits that network services can provide. The disadvantages point to challenges in improving the management.


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Author Biographies

  • Juarez de Souza Pereira, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

    Fisioterapeuta. Mestrando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde e Tecnologia no Espaço Hospitalar - Mestrado Profissional – PPGSTEH - Universidade Federal do Estado Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. 

  • Wiliam César Alves Machado, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
    Enfermeiro. Professor Doutor e Orientador Acadêmico no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Saúde e Tecnologia no Espaço Hospitalar - Mestrado Profissional – PPGSTEH. Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.






How to Cite

Pereira, J. de S., & Machado, W. C. A. (2015). Deployment specialized center in rehabilitation: advantages and disadvantages mentioned by local health managers. Revista De Terapia Ocupacional Da Universidade De São Paulo, 26(3), 373-381.