This is an outdated version published on 2021-06-16. Read the most recent version.

Ródion Raskólhnikov or The alleged right to crime: Notes / itinerary for reading Crime and Punishment


  • Gilvan Fogel Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



Crime and punishment, Modernity, Revolt


This paper seeks to outline a script for a reading Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment. Raskolnikov marks the modern type (Cartesian, Illuminist), namely, l'homme révolté. Revolted against life itself, existence itself, since it reveals itself petty, poor, finite. Such is the metaphysical background that, from the moral-religious or theological-Christian point of view, defines the notion of guilt. This understanding (namely, revolt, ingratitude) makes up not only “Crime and Punishment”, but all of Dostoevsky's great works.


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Author Biography

  • Gilvan Fogel, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

    Professor titular da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, membro do Conselho editorial da coleção Pensamento Humano – Editora Vozes. Trabalha com filosofia alemã contemporânea (Nietzsche e Heidegger, principalmente; fenomenologia, de modo geral). Concentra também seu trabalho na articulação/relação entre filosofia e literatura.


DOSTOIEVSKI, Fiódor. Crime e Castigo, em Obra Completa, Companhia Aguilar Editora, Rio de Janeiro, 1963, Vol. II.

GASSET, José Ortega y. En Torno a Galileo, Lección IX, Revista de Occidente, Madri, 1956, p. 167/8.


2021-04-29 — Updated on 2021-06-16


How to Cite

Fogel, G. (2021). Ródion Raskólhnikov or The alleged right to crime: Notes / itinerary for reading Crime and Punishment. RUS (Sao Paulo), 12(18). (Original work published 2021)