On the questions of theatricality in the autobiographical poetics of Vl. Nabokov


  • Svetlana Garziano Jean Moulin University Lyon 3




Vladimir Nabokov, theatricality, “Speak, Memory”, Theatre, Theatricality, Autobiographical poetics


Compared with the extensive prose and lesser known poetic heritage, the dramatic art of Vl. Nabokov is a little-studied and little-known area of his creativity. From 1923 to 1962, Nabokov wrote nine dramatic works: “Wanderers” [1923] (unfinished play), “Agasfer” [1923] (unfinished play), “Death” [1923], “Grandfather” [1923], “The Tragedy of Mister Morne” [1924], “Pole” [1924], “A Man from the USSR” [1926-1927], “The Event” [1938], “The Invention of the Waltz” [1938], a continuation of Pushkin’s “Mermaid” [1942] and screenplay for “Lolita” [1962]. This article analyzes the principles of theatricality in the autobiographical poetics of Vl. Nabokov on the example of his autobiography “Speak, Memory”.


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Author Biography

  • Svetlana Garziano, Jean Moulin University Lyon 3

    Maître de conférences en langue et littérature russes à la faculté des langues, membre de l’équipe MARGE à la faculté des lettres, directrice de la Maison des langues de l’Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3. Elle a soutenu sa thèse en 2009 et en a publié la version remaniée en 2012 sous le titre de La poétique autobiogra-phique de Vladimir Nabokov dans le contexte de la culture russe et occidentale (Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, CESAL). svetlana.garziano@univ-lyon3.fr


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How to Cite

Garziano, S. (2022). On the questions of theatricality in the autobiographical poetics of Vl. Nabokov. RUS (Sao Paulo), 13(21). https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2317-4765.rus.2022.194909