The establishment of poetic forms in Russia: the experiments of Trediakovsky, Kantemir, and Lomonosov




Poetic forms, Lomonosov, Kantemir, Trediakovski, Metre


 The following article offers an overview to the establishment of the form of modern Russian Literature. The article will offer background to the literary debates and issues at stake in the first half of the 18th C. and demonstrate how the first generation of Russian literature adopted the syllabo-tonic formal system as concocted by Mikhail Lomonosov in his Letter on the Rules of Versification. The previous attempts to prescribe a coherent poetic system by the poet Antiokh Kantemir and, especially, the man of letters Vasily Trediakovsky will be investigated as to provide in Portuguese a thorough account of such a momentous period in Russian literary History.


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Author Biography

  • Rafael Frate, Sem Registro de Afiliação

    Doutor em Letras Clássicas pela Universidade de São Paulo.


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How to Cite

Frate, R. (2023). The establishment of poetic forms in Russia: the experiments of Trediakovsky, Kantemir, and Lomonosov. RUS (Sao Paulo), 14(24), 41-62.