The "free spirit" and Goliadkin: a reading of Dostoevski under Nietzschean critique




Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, Critic, Criticism, Process


In this paper we propose to relate F.M. Dostoevsky's novel The Double (1848) to some fundamental concepts outlined by F. Nietzsche in Human, All Too Human (1886). We think that the Dostoevskian heroes present features that Nietzsche will conceptualize (to emphasize a little the posteriority of Friederich) as "free spirits", and then "walkers". The purpose of the paper will be to study and determine whether, in addition to the implicit relationship between the two writers/thinkers, it is possible to conceive of Goliadkin within the formulation "Dostoevskian criticism" and, necessarily, as a "free spirit": the latter understood as those who criticize the inherited and hammer the moral chains of society.


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How to Cite

Bombachi, T. S. (2023). The "free spirit" and Goliadkin: a reading of Dostoevski under Nietzschean critique. RUS (Sao Paulo), 14(25), 147-167.