"Soviet traumas": the testimony in Aleksandr Soljenítsyn, Liudmila Petruchévskaia, Svetlana Aleksiévitch and Alex Halberstadt





Trauma, Generations, Soviet Union, Testimony


The present paper aims to discuss different traumatic modalities in the construction of Soviet civilization and the "new" homo sovieticus through four testimonies from many generations: Aleksandr Soljenítsyn (1918-2008), Liudmila Petruchévskaia (1938-?), Svetlana Aleksiévitch (1948-?) e Alex Halberstadt (1970-?). In the pen of these writers, the "great facts" are subsumed in individual and collective histories: in the bodies of the zeks, of the families, of the women, of the youth, of the ethnic groups and, finally, in the communist memory of those who believed and were surprised by the end, the so-called, pejoratively, sovok


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Author Biography

  • Ian Anderson Maximiano Costa, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

    Licenciado em história pela PUC-Minas e bacharel em estudos literários pela UFMG. Mestre na área de Teoria e Literatura Comparada do Programa de Estudos Literários da UFMG e doutorando pelo mesmo programa.


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How to Cite

Costa, I. A. M. (2023). "Soviet traumas": the testimony in Aleksandr Soljenítsyn, Liudmila Petruchévskaia, Svetlana Aleksiévitch and Alex Halberstadt. RUS (Sao Paulo), 14(25), 213-236. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2317-4765.rus.2023.213499