From Dostoevsky to Yeltsin: Failed Translations and Russian Literary Landings in the Irish Language



Mots-clés :

Russian literature, translation, Irish language, prizemlenie, Dostoevsky


This article proposes the metaphor of prizemlenie (landing) as a new investigative approach to Translation Studies. Prizemlenie refers to literary texts which ‘land’ in the target language’s literary field without acquiring wide readership or becoming integrated in the target culture. Focussing on literary translation from Russian to Irish, I survey the record of An Gúm, the Irish Free State’s official publishing organization, with regard to literary translation; undertake a close reading and case study of the first Irish-language translation of Dostoevsky in 1938; and examine the habitus of three of the most significant Russian-to-Irish literary translators. In conclusion, I argue that even the minimal cultural interaction sustained by prizemlenie plays an important role in preserving the target language.



Biographie de l'auteur

  • Muireann Maguire, University of Exeter

    Senior Lecturer in Russian Literature at the University of Exeter, UK. Principal Investigator on the ERC-funded Horizon 2020 project “RusTrans: The Dark Side of Translation: 20th and 21st Century Translation from Russian as a Political Phenomenon in the UK, Ireland, and the USA.” She has previously taught Russian literatu-re and language at the Universi-ties of Oxford, Cambridge, and at Queen Mary, University of London. 


Documentos de arquivo

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Fontes primárias e traduções

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Fontes secundárias

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2020-12-18 — Mis à jour le 2020-12-18

Comment citer

Maguire, M. (2020). From Dostoevsky to Yeltsin: Failed Translations and Russian Literary Landings in the Irish Language. RUS (São Paulo), 11(17), 6-43.
