Letter to a man: Nijinsky and Baryshnikov, the à l’envers dance in Robert Wilson’s optical-acoustic landscape
Wilson-Nijinsky-Baryshnikov, À l’envers dance, Artaud, Organless body.Abstract
When analyzing the performance Letter to a man by Robert Wilson, about Nijinsky’s diaries, I investigate the director’s optical-acoustic landscape and the fluid dance, weightless, from the actor and performer Mikhail Baryshnikov, based on the concepts of “organless body” and “inverted dancing” by Antonin Artaud; especially in relation to his latest writings at Rodez. Wilson’s sensorial scene, which purposely abandons any communicative intention between the visual and sound channels, potently reflects the artaudian thought, being much more than a theater of image, as the critics have been referring to it so far, and reveals the kin between Nijinsky and Artaud in a perplexing manner.
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