Cannibalizing Artaud “Pra dar um fim no juízo de Deus”, by Teat(r)o Oficina


  • Biagio Pecorelli Universidade de São Paulo



Susan Sontag, Teatro oficina, Theater of cruelty, Pra dar um fim no juízo de Deus


On November 4th, 1996, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Antonin Artaud, the Teatro Oficina group performed a “dramatic reading” at the São Paulo Museum of Art (MASP) of Artaud’s radio play Pra dar um fim no juízo de Deus. José Celso’s staging would become one of the milestones of the group’s performative drive, especially due to the use of materials such as blood, sperm and feces on the stage. This article celebrates the 25th anniversary of this spectacle, remembering an emblematic essay by the American writer Susan Sontag about the life and work of the French poet. Written in 1973, “Abordando Artaud” undoes the vulgate of a body enthusiast, emphasizing gnostic and “heroic” aspects of the creator of the Theater of Cruelty. At Oficina, however, Artaud will always be enlightened by the lessons of Oswald de Andrade, slogans of the Counterculture and Brazilian cultural performances such as carnival, samba and candomblé.


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Author Biography

  • Biagio Pecorelli, Universidade de São Paulo

    Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade da Universidade de São Paulo (ECA/USP).


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How to Cite

Pecorelli, B. (2020). Cannibalizing Artaud “Pra dar um fim no juízo de Deus”, by Teat(r)o Oficina. Sala Preta, 20(2), 171-184.