WHERE WE TALK ABOUT THE REMARKABLE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PERFORMANCE AND PEDAGOGICAL ACTION: malformed sort of scrutiny and attempt to reread the negativity of the experience of the II Trupe de Choque à Contrapelo.


  • Ivan Delmanto Universidade de São Paulo




Creative process, Pedagogy, Performance.


In this article our object of study is the creative process of the theater performance Material Ciborgue Fantasma/O ornitorrinco da Revolução: Planeta Favela, 11/09/4012(um conto maravilhoso de atrocidades). It investigates the tense relations between the theatrical forms, approached by its diverse and contradictory dramatic structures, and the pedagogy. This creative process combines art and pedagogy through of play and performance. 


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Author Biography

  • Ivan Delmanto, Universidade de São Paulo
    Ivan Delmanto é encenador e dramaturgo da II Trupe de Choque. Mestre em Teoria Literária e Literatura Comparada na FFLCH - USP, é doutorando na área de Teoria e História do Teatro na ECA-USP, com projeto sobre a formação da dramaturgia brasileira.



How to Cite

Delmanto, I. (2014). WHERE WE TALK ABOUT THE REMARKABLE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PERFORMANCE AND PEDAGOGICAL ACTION: malformed sort of scrutiny and attempt to reread the negativity of the experience of the II Trupe de Choque à Contrapelo. Sala Preta, 14(1), 91-103. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2238-3867.v14i1p91-103