An responsible eye to the pain of others: images of violence in two films of Ukamau Group




Ukamau Group, revolution, violence, politics


The revelation of the different expressions of political violence —
institutional, economic, social and symbolic–, and the problematization
 the use of force "from below" towards a revolutionary change,
 have been recurring topics in production of Jorge Sanjinés
the Ukamau Group (GU). This paper analyzes in two of his films,
Revolution (Jorge Sanjinés, 1963) and Blood of the Condor
 (Jorge Sanjinés, 1969 ), treatment of representation and modalities
of reporting and challenge the hegemonic order. This work analyzes
in two of his films, Revolution (Jorge Sanjinés, 1963) and
Blood of the Condor
(Jorge Sanjinés, 1969), the treatment of his
representation and the modalities of complaint and appeal of the
hegemonic order. Both productions put in crisis forms and stories of
History and replenish unsaid–not views of violence against bodies and
 cultural identities of indigenous and popular sectors.


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Author Biography

  • María Gabriela Aimaretti, CONICET- Universidad de Buenos Aires

    PhD in Theory and History of Arts from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Combined Bachelor and lecturer in Arts, UBA. Doctoral fellow of CONICET (2010-2012 and 2013-2015). Postdoctoral fellow of CONICET (2015-2017). Title of the thesis: Aesthetic production, social intervention and symbolization of cultural memory in Bolivia: Group Ukamau and Teatro de los Andes - Experiences of a trend of cultural production of political horizon.

    University regular teaching of the subject History of Argentine and Latin American Cinema, Arts career, FFyL, UBA (2013-present). Visiting lecturer at seminars master's FFyL, UBA.

    Member of CIyNE film studies (2007-2015); and the editorial board of the Journal Documentary Film (2010-present). Guest researcher in projects on Argentine Art in the National University of Tres de Febrero (2011-2015).


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How to Cite

An responsible eye to the pain of others: images of violence in two films of Ukamau Group. (2015). Significação: Journal of Audiovisual Culture, 42(44), 82-99.