Matricial practice: an outpatient experience




Mental health, Substance-related disorders, Patient care team, Teaching rounds, Occupational therapy, Matricial practice


Objective: to understand the construction of the dependent care service matrixing. Method: this is an action-research conducted over the past seven years, considering the experiences of an occupational therapist during her service activities, covering clinical meetings, supervision, study groups and training. The materials used were medical records, supervision and meeting records and personal notes. Results: the demands of each subject are addressed beyond the specificities of each area. The knowledge is transmitted in the team meetings, allowing, to those who are dealing directly with the case, an expansion in their understanding and the experimentation of clinical instruments built with colleagues. The process of building work with each subject, constantly matrixed among the professionals, allows, to the one who offers the attention, greater appropriation of the clinical construction. This phenomenon also occurs during training offered by the service to other health care teams. Conclusion: the collective spaces consider the subject’s understanding from different perspectives, even without direct contact with the individual, from the narratives of one of the professionals and from the hypotheses of the other team members, expanding the possibilities of care. The work in therapeutic projects is spread throughout the institution and in training of other teams, allowing ...


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How to Cite

Perrone, M. B., & Fidalgo, T. M. (2021). Matricial practice: an outpatient experience. SMAD Revista Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool E Drogas (Edição Em Português), 17(1), 26-31.