Training in common mental disorders in the ward: use of active methodologies in the construction of care




Psychiatric nursing, Mental health, Problem-based learning, Nursing education


Objective: to analyze how nurses providing care to bedridden psychiatric patients in a general hospital perceive the conduction of mental health training by using active  methodologies. Method: descriptive, exploratory, qualitative study including five nurses, carried out in a large general hospital from June to November 2019. Data collection consisted of two phases: performance and training evaluation. Active methodologies focused on problem-based learning and problematization were used to conduct the training. Training evaluation was performed by a semi-structured interview designed according to the model proposed by Kirkpatrick, and the data were analyzed by thematic content analysis according to Bardin. Results: the nurses considered the training to be positive and developed skills, such as therapeutic approach, active listening and behavior change. Conclusion: the training was effective in knowledge construction, thus promoting significant changes and reflections in nurses’ learning, in addition to contributing to the development of skills and attitudes in mental health by valuing meaningful learning.


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How to Cite

Machado, M. G. de O., & Sampaio, C. L. (2021). Training in common mental disorders in the ward: use of active methodologies in the construction of care. SMAD Revista Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool E Drogas (Edição Em Português), 17(1), 75-83.