Training path in the Psychosocial Care Network: Innovation and transformation in mental health practices




Unified Health System, Mental health, Education continuing, Humanization of assistance


Objective: to identify and describe changes resulting from the participation of workers from the Municipal Health Department of Guaíba/RS in the project entitled “Training Path in the Psychosocial Care Network: Exchange between experiences”, from the Ministry of Health. Method: a qualitative and descriptive study in which individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with 22 participants, as well as consultations to documents relevant to the project. Bardin content analysis was used. Results: presented in two axes: “Exchange as an innovative training strategy” and “Resignifying the practices in the field of mental health”. Changes in work processes were identified, as a result of increased visibility of mental health field and improvements in care, with emphasis on practices aligned with the humanization of care. There was an increase in the workers' motivation and articulation among the services of the network. The project presented innovative training characteristics and its execution was decisive in the transformations that were underway. The research showed the relation between training experiences and care processes more related to a critical, reflective, creative and emancipatory health production. Conclusion: the development of a strong sense of criticism and the need for innovation in mental health was revealed, which emerged with more vigor during...


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How to Cite

Weber, L., Rosa, R. dos S., Sanes, M. da S., & Caravaca-Morera, J. A. (2021). Training path in the Psychosocial Care Network: Innovation and transformation in mental health practices. SMAD Revista Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool E Drogas (Edição Em Português), 17(3), 37-46.