Repercussions of the Artistic Experience in the face of Severe Psychic Suffering, Internment and Social Exclusion




Mental health, Art, Mental disorders, Deinstitutionalization, Social marginalization


Objective: to analyze the elaboration of new perspectives by actors-creators of Projeto Bispo: treated like animals, behaving as one on severe psychic suffering, internment and social exclusion. Method: it is a qualitative research in health that associated bibliographic research, fieldwork and semi-structured interviews developed and applied by this researcher. Seven artists were interviewed between June and August 2018. Content analysis with the thematic analysis technique was followed for treating the interviews. Results: the study revealed that O Coletivo operated an experiment in which the artists participated in the survey of theoretical material that served as a basis for aesthetic discussions, carried out exploration of urban space, manufactured costumes and scenic objects and elaborated narratives from the collective activities. The encounter among street artists and individuals, who lost their social place mainly due to the use of alcohol and other drugs, allowed this theme to be appropriated by the show. Conclusion: the analysis showed that, beyond the transformation of the perspective of actors-creators, the dramaturgy undertaken by the theater group brought the perception that it is possible to provoke the formation of new concepts and discourses about severe psychic suffering, hospitalization and social exclusion through the art.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, A. P. V., & Moreira, M. I. B. (2021). Repercussions of the Artistic Experience in the face of Severe Psychic Suffering, Internment and Social Exclusion. SMAD Revista Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool E Drogas (Edição Em Português), 17(3), 47-56.