Predictive models for the problematic use of alcohol among healthcare university students




Alcohol Drinking in College, Universities, Students, Alcoholic Beverages, Alcoholism


Objective: to identify the prevalence and predictors for the problematic use of alcohol among university students in the health area. Cross-sectional study, conducted with 1,497 university students from 11 health courses, in the metropolitan region of Cuiabá-MT, Brazil. Method: The Test for Identification of Problems Related to the Use of Alcohol was used. Poisson regression was applied and the Prevalence Ratio was estimated. Results: the prevalence of problematic alcohol use was 23.6%. Problematic alcohol consumption was identified among men, single, who lived alone, who considered themselves aggressive and who used alcohol in festive moments to relax, have pleasure and improve social interaction. The one who lived with spouse and/or children, was in the 2nd year of the course, did not notice changes in the pattern of consumption in college; the non-participant of athletics, who considered himself calm and introverted and drank for problems or "nervousness" presented less frequent problematic use of alcohol. Conclusion: the search for socialization influences the use of alcohol among university students. It is suggested that the maintenance of the consumption pattern prior to the beginning of graduation protects them. The models are multi-determined and require, from educational institutions, student entities and health teams, timely actions.


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How to Cite

Silva, N. G., Arruda, G. O. de, Targa, S. da S., Pereira, E. H. A. I., Prado, F. M. O. do, & Lara, H. C. A. A. de. (2021). Predictive models for the problematic use of alcohol among healthcare university students. SMAD Revista Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool E Drogas (Edição Em Português), 17(4), 33-43.