Worker’s health surveillance: work-related suicide




Suicide, Worker’s Health, Public Health Surveillance, Occupational Risks


Objective: to investigate the possible links between the themes of suicide ideation and suicide associated with the internal and external aspects of the work. Method: by adopting a qualitative approach and descriptive perspective, an integrative review of the literature of the 2009-2019 period was carried out by searching the PubMed, SCOPUS, Web of Science, LILACS, BDENF and VHL databases. Results: The guiding question “What are the relations between the worker, victim of suicide, and the work environment in which he is inserted?” and descriptors, with 481 records, of which ten studies, were selected. Separated by two axes of analysis (internal and external aspects), the studies described ten predominant relationships between suicide and work, being: depression (19.3%); moral harassment/bullying (16.1%); absence of leisure (12.9%); stress (9.6%); professional overload (9.6%); accidents at work (9.6%); Burnout syndrome (6.4%); social isolation (6.4%); conflicts between family and work (6.4%) and lack of autonomy at work (3.2%). Conclusion: the results show the relationship between work and suicide. As nursing is a potential promoter of humanized care, the need for vigilance and health promotion for workers in these environments is highlighted.


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How to Cite

Corsi, C. A. C., Luiz, A. V. A., Cintra, Álefe S., Pitta, N. C., Paschoal, A. C. da S., Queiroz, T. S., & Flória-Santos, M. (2020). Worker’s health surveillance: work-related suicide. SMAD Revista Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool E Drogas (Edição Em Português), 16(4), 133-143.