The work process in psychosocial care centers from a management perspective




Mental Health Services, Health Services Assessment, Community Mental Health Services


Objective: to analyze the work process of the professionals of the Psychosocial Care Centers
and to identify the aspects that can contribute to the production of health or illness of workers.
Method: a qualitative research study carried out with the managers of eleven Psychosocial Care
Centers in a large inland city of São Paulo. Data were collected through semi-structured audiorecorded interviews. For data analysis, Thematic Content Analysis was used. Results: from the
analysis of the speeches, two thematic categories were identified: “Living work in the psychosocial
care center: collective construction of a clinic of bonds and affections” and “Wear out and distress
experienced through work”. Workers’ satisfaction with their work was evidenced related to the
possibility of offering care based on the singularity of the cases. There were also reports of
recognition hypotheses, bureaucratic work processes and mental overload. Conclusion: the
greatest power of work in Psychosocial Care Centers is the intense network of existing interpersonal
relationships. Therefore, the strengthening of this network is an important promoter of care
between a multidisciplinary team and a device to be constantly developed.


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How to Cite

Zanatta, A. B., Lamas Martins Gonçalves, L., & De Lucca, S. R. . (2022). The work process in psychosocial care centers from a management perspective. SMAD Revista Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool E Drogas (Edição Em Português), 18(1), 68-76.

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