Alcohol consumption by health professionals from a reference hospital in COVID-19 care




Alcohol Drinking, Alcoholic Beverages, Pandemics, Health Personnel


Objective: to evaluate the pattern of alcohol consumption among health professionals. Method:
a cross-sectional, descriptive and quantitative study, carried out in a public hospital in the state
of Minas Gerais. Results: a total of 129 health professionals were interviewed, 83.5% being
female, aged between 30 and 49 years old (80.2%), graduates (39%), allocated in the intensive
care center (34.4%) and with a workload greater than 44 hours (42%). Alcohol consumption was
found in 59.7% of the participants and beer was the most frequently consumed beverage (49.4%).
Among those who started drinking after the pandemic, there was an increase in consumption
(11.5%). In the AUDIT score, risk consumption was more frequent among the professionals who
have family members with the habit of consuming alcohol (p<0.005) and in those who already
drank before the pandemic (p<0.001). Conclusion: alcohol consumption is frequent among health
professionals and recorded an increase due to the pandemic scenario. Screening the consumption
of alcoholic beverages allows for educational actions and aims at promoting healthy habits.


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How to Cite

Rigo, F. L., Reis, A. R. dos ., Rodrigues, C. S. ., Silva, C. T. ., Silva, M. B. M. ., & Souza, T. P. L. de . (2023). Alcohol consumption by health professionals from a reference hospital in COVID-19 care. SMAD Revista Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool E Drogas (Edição Em Português), 19(1), 61-69.