Records about hearing voices in medical records of a mental health service




mental health, health services, hallucinations, health-diseaseprocess


Objective: to analyze records about hearing voices in the medical records of users of a mental health service. Methodology: qualitative research that was developed with the analysis of 175 medical records of a Psychosocial Care Center. Their records were typed in full and entered into the program The Art of Data Analysis. The records were categorized based on the description of hearing voices and the reflexes of the voices in daily life. Results: the voices may be accompanied by other sensory perceptions, as well as presenting themselves as commanding, pejorative, threatening and provocative, or even calling and through noises in general. The reflexes, in daily life, are permeated with changes in habits, routines and attitudes, changes in relation to sleep
and fear in various situations. Conclusion: the fragments found are potentially important for
understanding how hearing voices can be part of people’s lives and not necessarily considered as
psychiatric symptoms, and may or may not be harmful.


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How to Cite

Kantorski, L. P., Wünsch, C. G., Santos, V. B. dos, & Silva, P. dos S. da. (2023). Records about hearing voices in medical records of a mental health service. SMAD Revista Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool E Drogas (Edição Em Português), 19(2), 6-15.