The influence of contact with nature in the rehabilitation of people addicted to chemical substances living in therapeutic communities




Therapeutic Community, Mental Health Assistance, Green Areas, Substance Abuse Treatment Centers


Objective: to identify the influence of nature on the stress, anxiety and depression symptoms
among people welcomed in Therapeutic Communities. Methodology: a cross-sectional,
qualitative-quantitative, exploratory and descriptive study. It was carried out with people welcomed
in Therapeutic Communities in the northeast region of Santa Catarina, in 2021. Mental health was
assessed by means of the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale-21. The participants expressed
their perception using three words that represented their feelings regarding this benefit, creating
a Word Cloud. Data analysis took place through stratification of the variables collected, organizing
them by absolute and relative frequencies and statistical tests. Results: the participants were 88
male individuals living in 3 communities, with a mean age of 39.95 years old. Systemic Arterial
Hypertension was the predominant disease and frequent addiction to drugs, alcohol and cocaine was
observed. As for the symptoms, 53.4% (n=46) had stress symptoms, 41.7% (n=36) had anxiety
symptoms and 34.8% (n=30) had depressive symptoms. The Word Cloud presented the terms
“well-being”, “calm” and “peace” as benefits of contact with nature. Conclusion: the participants
have high stress, anxiety and depression levels, but they consider closer contact with nature after
being welcomed in the Therapeutic Community as a positive factor in their rehabilitation.


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How to Cite

Bittencourt, R. N., Melo Junior, . J. C. F. de ., & Pedroso, . M. V. (2023). The influence of contact with nature in the rehabilitation of people addicted to chemical substances living in therapeutic communities. SMAD Revista Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool E Drogas (Edição Em Português), 19(2), 63-76.