Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland: the challenges in translating to children


  • Eliana Capiotto Chargorodsky



Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, translation, adaptation, children’s literature. 1.


This paper aims to analyze the characteristics of the literature for children as well as the adaptations translators make so that these characteristics are respected throughout the translating process. The factors that challenge the translators the most while they are translating literature for children are the cultural and temporal differences between the polysystem of the source text and the polysystem of the target text. These factors are much more challenging when one is translating literature for children than when they are translating adults’ literature. In cases in which those differences are present, one might ask to what extent the translated text has to be adapted to the reality of the child reader. It was with the purpose of providing examples regarding the kinds of challenges above mentioned, so that we could reflect about them, that we analyzed the choices made by three Brazilian translators in difficult parts found in the translations of the British masterpiece of the Victorian Era, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865) by Lewis Carroll. Two of the translations were intended to be read by children and the other one was intended to be read by wellread adults. Based on these translations, we could also compare the differences between the choices made to fit children’s literature and the ones made to fit adults’ literature.


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Author Biography

  • Eliana Capiotto Chargorodsky

    Bacharel em Tradutor e Intérprete (inglês <> português). Possui certificação em inglês avançado (CAE) pela Universidade de Cambridge e tem bom domínio da língua portuguesa. Já trabalhou com o ensino da língua inglesa na escola Cultura Inglesa, por dois anos, e na UNINOVE, como monitora do curso de inglês (EAD e presencial), por um ano. Trabalhou também como revisora trainee em uma agência de traduções e atualmente trabalha como professora particular de língua inglesa.






How to Cite

Chargorodsky, E. C. (2015). Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland: the challenges in translating to children. TradTerm, 25, 97-122.