Translations of the feminine in Persuasion, by Jane Austen


  • Marcela Aparecida Silvestre Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
  • Jonathan Gustavo Pessoa Cavalcanti de Lima Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte



Descriptive Translation Studies, Female Authorship Literature, Feminist Literary Criticism


Recent studies show a re-evaluation of the concept of translation so that its artistic and subjective dimensions are accepted. Thus, the obligation of fidelity to the original text, which, for a long time, was central during the discussions about the good quality of translations, is put under suspicion. Translation Studies express growing interest in the cultural role of the translated text and the figure of the translator in society. The association between Translation Studies and Feminist Literary Criticism aims to detect and compare how the translators deal with some excerpts in the source-text and their recreation in the translated texts.  Based on the theoretical aspects mentioned, the study proposes a descriptive and comparative analysis between Persuasion (1818), by the English writer Jane Austen, and two translations into Brazilian Portuguese, produced by Celina Portocarrero (L&PM, 2017) and Roberto Leal Ferreira (Martin Claret, 2012), observing the importance of the translators’ interference and their sociocultural concepts in the production processes of text meaning in translated texts.


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Author Biography

  • Jonathan Gustavo Pessoa Cavalcanti de Lima, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

    Graduando em Letras pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte.


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How to Cite

Silvestre, M. A., & Lima, J. G. P. C. de. (2020). Translations of the feminine in Persuasion, by Jane Austen. TradTerm, 36, 5-22.