About cocreations and cockroachs: the translator’s identity in Elise Cowen’s poems translation process


  • Michelle Cerqueira César Tambosi Universidade Estadual de Maringá




Elise Cowen, Geração beat, Identidade do tradutor, Cocriação, feminismo


This paper is an analysis of the translation project of the series of 5 poems in which the poet Elise Cowen works with the image of cockroaches as a metaphor for men and, mainly, women of the beat generation. The analysis was carried out by the Translator's Identity theory. Throughout the analysis I could verify that even though I was pursuing a practice that recognized my identity as a translator and that it moved away from the traditional prescriptive ideals of translation, for several moments I noticed a translation concerned with the ideals of fidelity and invisibility. Although oscillating between a more or less transformative attitude towards the work of translation, I conclude that the process itself and the subsequent analysis made on it were instructive and formative in the sense of understanding and carrying out a translation by the principle of cocreation.


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Author Biography

  • Michelle Cerqueira César Tambosi, Universidade Estadual de Maringá

    Bacharela pelo Bacharelado em Tradução – Inglês, do Curso de Letras Português/Inglês da
    Universidade Estadual de Maringá, PR. Mestra em Estudos Literários pela mesma universidade.
    Escritora e tradutora.


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How to Cite

Cerqueira César Tambosi, M. (2022). About cocreations and cockroachs: the translator’s identity in Elise Cowen’s poems translation process. TradTerm, 41, 172-197. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2317-9511.v41p172-197