The evolution of the Chinese Legal System and the Western Legal System Influences
China, China’s legal system, western legal systems influences, Chinese laws, Chinese legal system historyAbstract
This article intends to address the broader aspects of the evolution undergone by the Chinese legal system over its more than 3000 years of history, emphasizing the main changes suffered in the last two centuries, mainly with regard to the influence of Western legal systems in the construction of what today is understood as the Chinese legal system. After a brief introduction that contextualizes the main influences of Chinese philosophy in the construction of its legal system, we divided this work into five phases: (1) End of the imperial period; (2) Republic; (3) Nationalist government; (4) The Mao Zedong period; and, finally, (5) Deng Xiaoping and the market opening. We also deal with Macau and Hong Kong, autonomous regions which have, respectively, civil law and common law systems and which diverge in fundamental points of the authoritarian legal regime of the Chinese Communist Party.
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