Synesthesia in the arts

relations between science, art and technology




synesthesia, art, technology, creativity, multisensoriality


This article aims at investigating synesthesia in art from the perspective of researchers, in both the cognitive sciences and the universe of art. From the point of view of neuroscience, the relation between synesthesia and creativity stands out. From an artistic perspective, the use of the term synesthesia to characterize artistic works is discussed, and three categories of identification and analysis of this type of work are proposed: metaphoric, mnemonic and by simulation. Finally, the potential of technology to approach the synesthesia in art is addressed, from the analysis of three contemporary artistic proposals. 


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Author Biography

  • Loren P. Bergantini, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Brasil

    Loren P. Bergantini é artista, pesquisadora e doutoranda em Poéticas visuais no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes Visuais da Escola de Comunicações e Artes da USP (PPGAV/ECA-USP) com bolsa da Fapesp. Concluiu mestrado (2016) sobre a relação entre sinestesia, voz e obras artísticas interativas pela mesma instituição e, o bacharelado em Artes Plásticas (habilitação: multimídia e intermídia) em 2013 pelo Departamento de Artes Plásticas (CAP) da ECA/USP. Integra o grupo de pesquisa Realidades da ECA/USP desde 2014. Seus interesses artísticos englobam arte interativa, arte digital, sinestesia, canto, multissensorialidade e multidisciplinaridade.



How to Cite

Bergantini, L. P. (2019). Synesthesia in the arts: relations between science, art and technology. ARS, 17(35), 225-238.