Interview with Rosalind Krauss




Rosalind Krauss, Medium, Installation art


In this interview, done in 2012 and originally published in the Brooklin Rail journal, Rosalind Krauss debates with Yve-Alain Bois the main questions focused in Under Blue Cup. The severe criticism addressed by the author to the international dissemination of installation art is confronted with Bois own critical stand on the subject, both of the critics approaching a set of artworks which, according to Krauss, are interesting as far as they perform a criticism of the medium. The dialogue, showing interesting features of the intellectual background of both critics, also illuminates to the different methods at work in both, and points out to the central role played by the idea of form in the art done in the 20th Century.


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Author Biographies

  • Yve-Alain Bois, Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton, EUA)

    Especialista em arte europeia e norte-americana no século XX, atuou como curador e co-curador de diversas exposições, como Piet Mondrian, A Retrospective (1994); L’informe, mode d’emploi (1996); Matisse and Picasso: A Gentle Rivalry (1999); e Picasso Harlequin 1917–1937 (2008). Alguns de seus livros publicados são Ellsworth Kelly: Catalogue Raisonné of Paintings, Reliefs, and Sculpture: Vol. 1, 1940–1953 (2015); Matisse in the Barnes Foundation (2015); Art Since 1900 (com Benjamin Buchloh, Hal Foster e Rosalind Krauss, 2004); Matisse and Picasso (1998); Formless: A User’s Guide (com Rosalind Krauss, 1997); e Painting as Model (1990). Atualmente, é professor de História da Arte no Institute for Advanced Study, em Princeton, EUA. 

  • Leonardo Nones, Universidade de São Paulo

    Mestrando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes Visuais da Escola de Comunicação e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo e cursa graduação em filosofia na Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da mesma universidade. 







How to Cite

Bois, Y.-A. (2018). Interview with Rosalind Krauss (L. Nones , Trans.). ARS, 16(34), 29-54.