My Bed and To Meet My Past

the bed as revelation of intimacy and narrative (re)constructions for Tracey Emin




Contemporary Art, Installation, Tracey Emin


The article investigates the bed in the installations My Bed (1998) and To Meet My Past (2002) by Tracey Emin. For that purpose, we have contextualized the artist’s production and analyzed the two installations, discussing their outstanding aspects, such as the exposure of intimacy, the appropriation of the domestic imaginary and the transposition of the private sphere of life to the public space of art galleries and museums. The role of autobiography was examined, in order to understand how events in the artist’s life are incorporated in her creative and poetic processes, as well as in the reconstruction of her memories. The research methodology was based on the analysis of books, academic publications and interviews with the artist.


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Author Biography

  • Ana Luísa Nunes, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)

    Ana Luísa Nunes é graduanda em Licenciatura e Bacharel em Artes Visuais na Universidade Estadual de Campinas, tem interesse na área de teoria e crítica da arte, com pesquisa focada na investigação das relações de representação do espaço doméstico no trabalho de artistas mulheres, o que resultou em duas Iniciações Científicas (PIBIC Unicamp/CNPq): Um olhar sobre a representação do corpo feminino associado ao espaço doméstico na série ‘Envolvimentos’ de Wanda Pimentel (2018-2019) e A expressão da cama como objeto artístico nas instalações My Bed (1998) e To Meet My Past (2002) de Tracey Emin (2017-2018). Também pesquisa e atua profissionalmente na área de educação museal e mediação cultural.





Dialogues with Graduation

How to Cite

Nunes, A. L. (2019). My Bed and To Meet My Past: the bed as revelation of intimacy and narrative (re)constructions for Tracey Emin. ARS, 17(37), 245-259.