Back to Plato's Cave: Notes on Immersive Exhibitions




Immersive Exhibitions, Atelier des Lumières, White Cube, Sponsorship, Social networks


The article approaches the concept of immersive exhibition as an expanding aspect of contemporary digital art, whose proposal is to offer intense experiences in multisensory environments that intend to fully involve the visitor. Both new works, conceived in view of such technologies, and paintings of canonical names in the art history can be featured by such exhibitions. Taking into account a history of sensory intensification experiences associated with exhibition spaces, the article proposes that immersive exhibitions be understood in contrast to the concept of the white cube, which allows them to be placed before issues pertinent to the contemporary artistic environment as a whole, from corporate sponsorship to public success mediated by social networks.


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Author Biography

  • Priscila Sacchettin, Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros da Universidade de São Paulo (IEB-USP), Brazil

    Priscila Sacchettin é pós-doutoranda no Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros da Universidade de São Paulo (IEB-USP) e professora de cursos livres. Doutora em história da arte pela Unicamp, possui graduação e mestrado em filosofia pela USP. Curadora das exposições “Gilvan Samico: primeiras estórias” (Centro Universitário Maria Antonia-USP, 2012), “Contemporary Brazilian Printmaking” (International Print Center New York, 2014) e “Maria Bonomi: o elogio da xilo” (Unicamp, 2014). Foi colunista no blog do Correio IMS (Instituto Moreira Salles), com a seção Cartas na Pintura, voltada para a divulgação da história da arte, além de assistente de curadoria de artes visuais no Instituto Moreira Salles (IMS) e redatora da Enciclopédia de Artes Visuais do Itaú Cultural.


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How to Cite

Sacchettin, P. (2021). Back to Plato’s Cave: Notes on Immersive Exhibitions. ARS, 19(42), 691-739.