The Geopolitics of the Western Art Worlds: Reflection and Methodology




Postwar Art, Triumph of American Art, Stories of Art, Historiography, Geopolitics


Reflecting on the origins and methodology of her book, The Rise and Fall of American Art, 19840s-1980s: A Geopolitics of the Western Art Worlds (2015), the author replaces her work in the context of a growing awareness to the multiple stories of art and a need to face this methodological challenge. She then discusses geopolitics as a useful model to think through the complicated historiography of postwar art, tackle the polyphony of art discourses during that period, and study the power dynamics and historiographical mechanisms that give some stories the status of history.


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Author Biography

  • Catherine Dossin, Purdue University, USA

    Catherine Dossin is Associate Professor of Art History at Purdue University, US and serves as Editor of the Artl@s Bulletin. She is the author of The Rise and Fall of American Art, 1940s-1980s: A Geopolitics of Western Art Worlds (Routledge, 2015), the co-editor with Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann and Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel of Circulations in the Global History of Art (Routledge, 2015), and the editor of France and the Visual Arts since 1945: Remapping European Postwar and Contemporary Art (Bloomsbury, 2018).


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How to Cite

Dossin, C. . (2021). The Geopolitics of the Western Art Worlds: Reflection and Methodology. ARS, 19(42), 109-139.