Theseus’ s Dance




Aesthetic (Art) (Architecture), Labyrinth, Form (Aesthetic), Art, Ancient Statuary


Hubert Damisch (1928-2017) was a French philosopher specializing in aesthetics and art history who worked as a professor at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris between 1975-1986. “La Danse de Thésée” was published in the Tel Quel magazine in the summer of 1966, in an edition that featured the participation of important French thinkers of the time, including Jacques Derrida. The text “La Danse de Thésée” has become a reference for aesthetic analyses that involve discussions in architecture, and its interpretations of the myth have stimulated the emergence of works that deepen and broaden the understanding of the influence that the mythological character of Daedalus had on the design profession.


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Author Biographies

  • Hubert Damish, École des Hautes Études
    Hubert Damisch (Praga, 1928 – Paris, 2017) foi um filósofo francês especializado em estética e história da arte que trabalhou como professor da École des Hautes Études em Sciences Sociales (EHESS) em Paris, entre os anos de 1974-1986. Se doutorou em filosofia em 1970, tendo estudado com Merleau-Ponty e Pierre Francastel. Seus cursos foram ponto de referência para pesquisadores descontentes com os métodos conservadores que marcavam o ensino da história da arte nas universidades francesas. Junto à École, fundou o Centre d’histoire et de théorie des arts, no qual colaboraram, entre outros, historiadores da arte como Louis Marin e Daniel Arasse. Ensinou em diversas universidades norte-americanas, como Yale, Cornell, Columbia, California, Berkeley e John Hopkins. (fonte da biografia de Hubert Damish: SALZSTEIN, 2018). 
  • Claudia Afonso, Universidade de Brasília

    Claudia Afonso (São Paulo, SP), doctoral student in architecture and urbanism (since 2022 PPG FAU/UnB), master in Architecture and Urbanism (UnB, 2019), electrical engineer (UnB, 2000). Volunteer Collaborating Professor at the Department of Theory, History and Criticism of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of Brasília since 2020 working in the disciplines of aesthetics and art history and in the guidance of students in the Theoretical Essay discipline. Member of the Nucleus of Aesthetics, Hermeneutics and Semiotics - NEHS (PPGFAU/UnB) and of the Brazilian Association of Aesthetics - ABRE. She is part of the research team coordinated by prof. Dr. Luciano Coutinho in the research project "Architecture and Psyche" and her thesis research is related to the human creative essence in architectural projects, discussing the relationship between the creative leap and emotions under the scopes of philosophy and neuroaesthetics applied to architecture.


CLAVIER, Étienne. Bibliothèque d'Apollodore l'Athénien - Traduction Nouvelle. Paris: Imprimerie de Delance et Lesueur, 1805.

COUTINHO, Luciano. Educação arquitetônica da humanidade. Brasília: Tanto Mar Editores, 2021.

FRONTISI-DUCROUX, Françoise. Dédale: mythologie de l'artisan en grèce ancienne. Paris: François Maspero, 1975.

PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, Alberto. The Myth of Dedalus: On the Architect' s métier. In Timely Meditations: Selected Essays on Architecture - Volume 1. Montreal: RightAngleInternational, 2016, p. 1-22.

PLATON. Euthyphron / trad. Luis-André Dorion. In BRISSON, Luc (org). Platon - oeuvres complètes. Paris: Éditions Flammarion, 2008, p. 393-414.

RICHTER, Gisela M.A. Kouroi: Archaic Greek Youth. New York: Phaidon Publishers INC., 1970.

SALZSTEIN, Sônia. Passagens: Hubert Damisch. ARS, São Paulo, vol. 16, n. 32, p. 29-35, 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 jul. 2022.






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