Between Attention and Reverie: Late Cézanne and the Emerging Visuality in the Threshold of the Twentieth Century




Visuality, Late Cézanne, Destabilization, Attention


This article proposes a reflection about the emblematic role that the late Cézanne assumed in relation to the emerging visuality in the threshold of the twentieth century. After a brief description of the theoretical bias adopted here (history of visuality), I present the way in which Cezanne’s late work intended to demonstrate a continuity between attention and reverie, although through a paradigmatic destabilization of vision. Finally, I argue that such destabilization points out two distinct instances: on the one hand, it alludes to an imminent model of passive automatism of vision; on the other, it raises new perceptual possibilities based on the unrepeatable singularity of vision.


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Author Biography

  • Marcos Namba Beccari, Universidade Federal do Paraná

    Marcos Namba Beccari é Professor do Setor de Artes, Comunicação e Design da UFPR. Doutor em Educação pela USP. Pesquisador do Laboratório de Design, Epistemologia e Moralidade da ESDI/UERJ.


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How to Cite

Beccari, M. N. (2022). Between Attention and Reverie: Late Cézanne and the Emerging Visuality in the Threshold of the Twentieth Century. ARS, 20(46), 492-527.