Inters_tícios – inter_tiscos


  • Lucia Pimentel



research on art, interrelations, inter spaces


The possible areas for research on/about art are, most of the time, the inter spaces, and not those located peacefully at some point or at some position. What is set by this condition is that, once the art territories are shaky contexts, one must consider whether the intervals/small gaps between these territories are shaky too. If we consider that this is true, how to determine the focus of research? As the intervals/small gaps are full of potential, it is necessary for the sources of fruition, contextualization and artistic experiment to be a choice in networking that pervade knots, routes and gaps, without preset paths nor precise territories. To inter_relate art, research and education, in line with the movements and the intentionality of action, is a complex task that requires specific knowledge and understanding, as well as thinking creative and metaphorically the networking concepts that have nodes, spans and possible paths of convergence and potential for expansion. The available pleiad of artistic possibilities and the different conceptions of what constitutes art – although nowadays the question is when something is art – make the contemporary artist a constant walker. Not only because the artist must be aware and try to follow everything that is happening in the artistic field, but also because he is forced to move constantly toward what he seeks as his own artistic expression.


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Author Biography

  • Lucia Pimentel
    Lucia Gouvêa Pimentel é Professora Titular da Escola de Belas Artes da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, membro do Conselho Mundial da InSEA, do Grupo de Especialistas em Arte/Educação, Cultura e Cidadania da Organização dos Estados Iberoamericanos – OEI, Conselheira do Instituto Arte das Américas, membro da Federação de Arte-Educadores do Brasil (FAEB) e da Associação Mineira de Arte-Educadores (AMARTE). Foi Secretária Geral do Conselho Latinoamericano de Educação pela Arte – CLEA e é líder do Grupo de Pesquisas Ensino da Arte e Tecnologias Contemporâneas. Atua como artista, professora e pesquisadora, com ênfase em ensino de arte, artes visuais, ensino de arte e tecnologias, arte/educação, formação de professores, cognição imaginativa e gravura.






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