Works on Display: arrangements of the artwork by exhibition design


  • Gabriel Menotti Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES)



Creative processes, Artworks, Curating, Exhibition design, Actor-network theory.


This paper examines processes traditionally involved in curatorial practices and how they have been historically defined in contraposition to the artistic gesture. It will outline curatorship’s institutional origin, the renegotiation of the curator’s role during modernity, and some contemporary perspectives over independent curating. Throughout this course, it will analyze how exhibition projects made both by curators and artists have actively contributed to the production of artistic works and the consolidation of certain techniques and languages. Finally, it will propose that curatorial practices could be better understood in terms of exhibition designing.


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Author Biography

  • Gabriel Menotti, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES)
    É crítico e curador independente. Atualmente ocupa o cargo de Professor-Adjunto no Departamento de Comunicação Social da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES). Já trabalhou como professor visitante na Middlesex University e no Goldsmiths College. Possui doutorado em Media and Communications pelo Goldsmiths College, Universidade de Londres (2011) e outro em Comunicação e Semiótica pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (2012). Já apresentou trabalhos em eventos como ISEA, Bienal de São Paulo e Rencontres Internationales Paris/ Berlin/Madrid. Recentemente, publicou a monografia Através da sala escura (Intermeios, 2012), sobre salas de cinema e VJing.






How to Cite

Menotti, G. (2013). Works on Display: arrangements of the artwork by exhibition design. ARS, 11(22), 53-69.