Instructions to Authors
Information specific to the submission process is avaliable at Submissions.
a. Manuscripts must be submitted in English.
b. Submission of a manuscript to BJPS implies that the data have not been published previously and
will not be submitted for publication elsewhere while the manuscript is under review.
c. Co-authors should be individuals who have contributed substantially to the content of the paper.
Manuscripts in accordance to the “Preparing your manuscript section” will be submitted for peer
review to at least two independent, anonymous referees indicated by the Associated Editors. Based on
peer review, the Associate Editors will suggest manuscript acceptance or not to the Editor-in-Chief, who
is responsible for the final decision.
In the case revision is suggested, the authors are asked to resubmit the manuscript incorporating the
suggestions and recommendations of the referees within 15 calendar days. If the revised version is not
received within the time specified from the date of the notice, the manuscript process will be canceled.
All revisions must be accompanied by a letter detailing the changes made to the original document and
answering all the reviewer comments, on a point-by-point basis. All alterations must be identified in the
revised manuscript.
Manuscripts must have their copyright enclosed as a file. The manuscript will not be
sent to reviewers if the signed copyright was not included in the submission package. This document
must be hand-signed by all authors, no exception. Later, if the manuscript was accepted, an English
certificate will be requested for the last version of the manuscript.
The dates of receipt and acceptance will be published for each article. Authors are expected to
return reviewed manuscripts to the Journal within 15 calendar days and to return galley proofs of
accepted manuscripts within 72 hours. The total number of “late” days will be added to the submission
date at the time of publication.
Authors are required to suggest 4 potential reviewers with information on institutional and e-mail
addresses. At least two of these potential reviewers must be from countries other than the corresponding author. The Editors reserve the right to nominate these or other reviewers for manuscript evaluation.
Manuscripts that do not agree to the Instructions will be refused prior to peer review.
The authors should state in the cover letter that the manuscript is intended to be Full-length
Original Paper, Short Communication, Review Article, Mini-review article, Concepts and Comments or Book Reviews.
The Journal will also publish Thematic or Congress Abstracts Supplements under invitation by the
Editors or previous approval by the Editorial Board.
BJPS will publish the following type of articles:
Full-length Original Paper
Each manuscript should clearly state its objective or hypothesis; the experimental design and
methods used; the essential features of any interventions; the main outcome measures; the main results of the study; and a discussion placing the results in the context of published literature.
The manuscript should contain:
a. abstract of no more than 200 words
b. no more than 6 keywords
c. a running title to be used as a page heading, which should not exceed 60 letters and spaces
d. manuscript's main body is divided into separate sections (Introduction, Material and Methods,
Results and Discussion).
e. no more than 40 references (without exceptions)
f. Supplementary data can be submitted as a Supplementary information session.
Short Communication
Short communication is a report on a single subject, which should be concise but definitive. The
scope of this section is intended to be wide and encompass methodology and experimental data on
subjects of interest to the readers of the Journal.
The manuscript should contain:
a. abstract of no more than 200 words
b. no more than 6 keywords
c. a running title to be used as a page heading, which should not exceed 60 letters and spaces
d. manuscript's main body is divided into separate sections (Introduction, Material and Methods,
Results and Discussion), without a separate section for conclusions
e. no more than 20 references (without exceptions)
f. no more than three illustrations (figures and/or tables)
Review Article
A review article should provide a synthetic and critical analysis of a relevant area and should not
be merely a chronological description of the literature. A review article by investigators who have made
substantial contributions to a specific area of Pharmaceutical Sciences will be published by invitation of
the Editors. However, an outline of a review article may be submitted to the Editors without prior
consultation. If it is judged appropriate for the Journal, the author(s) will be invited to prepare the article for peer review.
The manuscript should contain:
a. abstract of no more than 250 words
b. no more than 6 keywords
c. a running title to be used as a page heading, which should not exceed 60 letters and spaces
manuscript main body divided into sections with appropriate
titles and subtitles
d. no more than 90 references (without exceptions)
Mini-review Article
A mini-review is focused on a restricted part of a subject normally covered in a review article. The
structure of the mini-review follows the same rules as the review.
Concepts and Comments
The Concepts and Comments section provides a platform for readers to present ideas, theories and
The manuscript should contain:
a. abstract of no more than 250 words
b. no more than 6 keywords
c. a running title to be used as a page heading, which should not exceed 60 letters and spaces
d. manuscript's main body is divided into sections with appropriate
titles and subtitles
e. no more than 40 references (without exceptions)
Book Reviews
Written by experts nominated by the Editors or written by the
Cover Letter
It is important that you include a cover letter with your manuscript. Take the time to consider why
this manuscript is suitable for publication in the Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Why will
your paper inspire other members of your field, and how will it drive research forward. Please explain
these points in your cover letter.
The cover letter should also contain the following information:
a. Title of article.
b. Name(s), filiation and ORCID number of all author(s).
c. Information of Corresponding Author: name and e-mail (full address and telephone number are
optional informations).
Authorship requirements
Only people who directly contributed to the intellectual content of the paper should be listed as
authors. Manuscripts must be submitted electronically only. Confirmation of submission will be sent by
email to all authors, for their agreement.
Authors should meet all of the following criteria, thereby taking public responsibility for the content
of the paper:
a. Conceived, planned, and carried out the experiments presented in the manuscript or interpreted the
data, or both.
b. Wrote the paper, or reviewed successive versions.
c. Approved the final version.
d. Holding positions of administrative leadership, contributing to patients, and collecting and
assembling data, however important to the research, are not by themselves criteria for authorship.
Any person who has made a substantial, direct contribution to the work but cannot be considered an
author should be cited in the Acknowledgment section, with permission and include a description of
his/her specific contribution to the research.
Text format
a. The text of a manuscript can only be accepted as a Microsoft Word file created with MS Word
as a “doc”, “docx” or “RTF” document.
b. Manuscripts should be sent in 30-36 lines, 1,5 spaced,
c. Each page should contain the page number in the upper right-hand corner starting with the title
page as page 1.
d. Report all measurements in Système International, SI ( and
standard units where applicable
e. Names of plants, animals and chemicals should be mentioned according to International Rules
f. Names of drugs can follow the International rules (DCI) or current Brazilian rules (DCB)
g. Trademarks may be mentioned only once in the text (between parenthesis and initial in capital
h. Do not use abbreviations in the title and limit their use in the abstract and text.
i. The length of the manuscript and the number of tables and figures must be kept to a minimum.
j. Ensure that all references are cited in the text.
k. Generic names must be used for all drugs. Instruments may be referred to by proprietary name;
the name and country of the manufacturer should be given in parenthesis.
Most articles published in BJPS will be organized into the following sections:
Running Title
Authors (full names)
Corresponding author information (Abbreviated name, institutional address, phone, e-mail, ORCID
Abstract, Keywords
First Subtitle (if there is any)
Second subtitle (if there is any)
Tables with a descriptive title and footnote legends
Figures with a descriptive legend and uniformity in format.
Continuous page numbers are required for all pages including figures. There are no specific length
restrictions for the overall manuscript or individual sections. However, we request authors to present
and discuss their findings concisely. We recognize that some articles will not be best presented in our
research article format. If you have a manuscript that would benefit from a different format, please
contact the editors for further discussion.
The title should be as short and informative as possible, should not contain non-standard acronyms
or abbreviations, and should not exceed two printed lines. The title should be centered and written in
bold as the example below:
Running title
This short title, to be used as a page heading, should not exceed 60 letters and spaces.
Authors and Affiliations
Full name (matched with superscript numbers identifying affiliation) must be written in bold and
centered. Institution(s) (Department, Faculty, University, City, State, Country) of each author (in English
must be centered and written in italic.
Hongmei Xia1*, Yongfeng Cheng2, Yinxiang Xu3, Zhiqing Cheng1
1College of Pharmacy, Anhui University of Chinese Medicine, Hefei, People’s Republic of China, 2School of Life Science, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, People’s Republic of
China, 3Zhaoke (Hefei) Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Hefei, People’s Republic of China
Corresponding author
One of the authors should be designated as the corresponding author. It is the corresponding
author´s responsibility to ensure that the author list is accurate and complete. If the article has been
submitted on behalf of a consortium, all consortium members and affiliations should be listed in the
Acknowledgments section. Provide the name, email address, and ORCID number of the author to whom
correspondence should be sent identified with an asterisk.
Since abstracts are published separately by Information Services, they should contain sufficient hard
data to be appreciated by the reader. The abstract should not exceed 200 words and should be prepared in a single paragraph without topics and no margins. The abstract should briefly and clearly present the
objective, experimental approach, new results as quantitative data if possible, and conclusions. It should
mention the techniques used without going into methodological detail and mention the most important
results. Abbreviations should be kept to a minimum and should be defined in both the Abstract and text.
Please do not include any reference citations in the abstract. If the use of a reference is unavoidable, the
full citation should be given within the abstract.
A list of keywords or indexing terms (no more than 6) should be included avoiding generic terms.
Keywords must be separated by dots with only the first letter of the first word in upper case.
Apoptosis pharmacokinetics. Toxicology.
The Introduction should put the focus of the manuscript into a broader context and reflects the
present state-of-art of the subject. This should state briefly and clearly the objectives of the investigation
with reference to previous works. The introduction should justify the hypothesis of the study. An
extensive review of the literature should be avoided and when possible replaced by recent reviews of
the subject.
These should be described in sufficient detail that the work can be reproduced. Well-established
procedures and techniques require only a citation of the original source, except when they are
substantially modified. Reports of experimental studies on humans and animals must certify (including
the number of protocols) that the research received prior approval by the appropriate institutional review
Ethics Committee.
Results must be presented clearly and concisely and in a logical order. This section should provide
the results of all of the experiments required to support the conclusions of the paper. When possible, use
figures or tables to present data rather than text. Large datasets, including raw data, should be submitted
as supplementary files; these are published online and linked to the article.
Discussion should interpret the results and assess their significance in relation to existing
knowledge. Speculation not warranted by actual data should be avoided. The Discussion should spell
out the major conclusions and interpretations of the work including some explanation of the significance
of these conclusions.
When appropriate, briefly acknowledge technical assistance, advice, and contributions from
colleagues. People who contributed to the work but do not fit the criteria for authors should be listed in
the Acknowledgments section, along with their contributions. Donations of animals, cells, or reagents
should also be acknowledged. You must also ensure that anyone named in the Acknowledgments agrees
to being so named. Financial support for the research and fellowships should be acknowledged in this
section (agency and grant number).
Figures must be submitted in high-resolution version (300 dpi). They must be submitted separately
from the text, in the file upload section of the submission platform.
Preparing figure files for submission
The use of figures is mandatory for original articles since it increases the clarity of data. The use of
color figures in articles is free of charge. The following guidelines must be observed when preparing
figures. Failure to do so is likely to delay the acceptance and publication of the article.
a. Each figure of a manuscript should be submitted as a single file.
b. Figures should be numbered in the order they are first mentioned in the text, and uploaded in this
c. Figure titles and legends should be provided in the main manuscript as a List of Figures, not in the
graphic file.
d. The aim of the figure legend should be to describe the key messages of the figure, but the figure
should also be discussed in the text.
e. An enlarged version of the figure and its full legend will often be viewed in a separate window
online, and it should be possible for a reader to understand the figure without moving back and
forth between this window and the relevant parts of the text.
f. The legend itself should be succinct, while still explaining all symbols and abbreviations. Avoid
lengthy descriptions of methods. Statistical information should be given as well as the statistical
tests used.
g. Arrows or letters should be used in the figure and explained in the legend to identify important
h. Figures with multiple panels should use capital letters A, B, C, etc. to identify the panels.
i. Each figure should be closely cropped to minimize the amount of white space surrounding the
illustration. Cropping figures improves accuracy when placing the figure in combination with other
elements when the accepted manuscript is prepared for publication.
j. Individual figure files should not exceed 5 MB. If a suitable format is chosen, this file size is
adequate for extremely high-quality figures.
Please note that it is the responsibility of the author(s) to obtain permission from the copyright
holder to reproduce figures (or tables) that have previously been published elsewhere. In order for all
figures to be open-access, authors must have permission from the rights-holder if they wish to include
images that have been published elsewhere in non-open-access journals. Permission should be indicated in the figure legend, and the original source included in the reference list.
Supported file type
The following file format can be accepted: TIFF (suitable for images) or JPEG with 300 dpi, and
Word file for the manuscript.
a. Tables must be submitted in Word (.doc) or Excel (.xls), not as an image.
b. Tables must be numbered consecutively with Roman numerals in the text.
c. Tables must have a concise and descriptive title.
d. All explanatory information should be given in a footnote below the table. Footnotes should be
used to explain abbreviations and provide statistical information, including statistical tests used.
e. All abbreviations must be defined in this footnote, even if they are explained in the text.
f. Tables must be understandable without referring to the text.
g. Tables occupying more than one printed page should be avoided, if possible.
h. Vertical and diagonal lines should not be used in tables; instead, indentation and vertical or
horizontal space should be used to group data.
References should be cited in the text by the authors’ names, with only the first letter in capital letter
followed by the year of publication. For more than three authors, the first has to be cited followed by the expression et al. (in italic). Small letters close to the year must differentiate references of the same author and year of publication.
(Zhang, 2017)
(Ima, Souza, 2015)
(Fujisawa, Atsumi, Kadoma, 1989)
(Aviral et al., 2009)
(Liu et al., 2011a)
(Liu et al., 2011b)
References should be prepared and listed according to Vancouver's standard reference style. Entries
should be arranged in alphabetical order by the author at the end of the paper. All authors’ names should be given. The accuracy and completeness of reference data is the responsibility of the authors.
Only published references should be included in the reference list. Meeting abstracts, conference
talks, or papers that have been submitted but not yet accepted should not be cited. Limited citation of
unpublished work should be included in the body of the text only. All personal communications should
be supported by a letter from the relevant authors.
Published Papers: Write all author’s names up to 6 authors and followed by et al. (in case there are
more than 6), Title (Only the first letter in upper case). Journal abbreviation without dots.
Year;Volume(issue number):first page-last page.
Abe T, Fukushima N, Brune K, Boehm C, Sato N, Matsubayashi H, et al. Genome-Wide allelotypes of
familial pancreatic adenocarcinomas and familial and sporadic intraductal papillary mucinous
neoplasms. Clin Cancer Res. 2007;13(20):6019-25.
Ali A, Iqbal F, Taj A, Iqbal Z, Amin MJ, Iqbal QZ. Prevalence of microvascular complications in newly
diagnosed patients with Type 2 diabetes. Pak J Med Sci. 2013,29(4): 899-902.
Calvo A, Gimenez MJ. Ex Vivo Serum Activity (Killing Rates) After Gemifloxacin 320 mg Versus
Trovafloxacin 200 mg Single Doses Against Ciprofloxacin-Susceptible and -Resistant Streptococcus
pneumonia. Int J Antimicr Ag. 2007;20:144-6.
Article accepted for publication but not yet published: First 6 authors followed by et al. Title.
Journal (abbreviation in normal font), Year of expected publication (in press) at the end of the citation.
Janiszewski M, Lopes LR, Carmo AO, Pedro MA, Brandes RP, Santos CXC, et al. Regulation of
NAD(P)H oxidase by associated protein disulfide isomerase in vascular smooth muscle cells. J Biol
Chem. 2005 (in press).
Internet Communication: Ensure that URLs are active and available. Provide DOI, if available.
Brasil. Ministério da Saúde, Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde. Leishmaniose visceral grave: normas e
condutas [Internet]. Brasília (DF): Ministério da Saúde, 2006. [citado 2008 Jan 7]. 60 p. (Série A.
Normas e Manuais Técnicos). Disponível em:
CAPES Statistics. [cited 2006 Mar 16]. Available from: http://
Developmental toxicology. [cited 2015 Apr 10]. Available from:
Whole Book: Authors, Book title, Edition, City, Publisher, Year.
Hewitt W. Microbiological assay for pharmaceutical analysis: a rational approach. Boca Raton: CRC
Press; 2003.
Jenkins PF. Making sense of the chest x-ray: a hands-on guide. New York: Oxford University Press;
2005. 194 p.
Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Brasil). Resolução nº. 259, de 20 de setembro de 2002.
Regulamento Técnico para Rotulagem de Alimentos Embalados. Diário Oficial da União 23 set 2002;
Seção 1.
Milech A, et al., Oliveira JEP, Vencio S, organizadores. Diretrizes da Sociedade Brasileira de
Diabetes. São Paulo: A.C. Farmacêutica;2016.
Book Chapter: Authors, Chapter Title, Editors, Book title, Edition, City, Publisher, Year, Pages of
Conference or Symposium Proceedings: Cite papers only from published proceedings.
Hejzlar RM, Diogo PA. The use of water quality modelling for optimizing operation of a drinking water
reservoir. In: Proceedings of the International Conference Fluid Mechanics and Hydrology. 1999 Jun
23-26; Prague. Prague: Institute of Hydrodynamics AS CR; 1999. p 475-482.
Rojko JL, Hardy WD Jr. Feline leukemia virus and other retroviruses. In: Sherding RG, editor. The cat:
diseases and clinical management. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1989. p. 229-332.
World Health Organization. WHO. Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse. Mental health
atlas 2005. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2005. 409 p.
Proceedings of the 10th annual meeting of the Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences. J Pharm
Pharm Sci. 2007 Dec 3;10(4):1s-186s.
Audiovisual Material
Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR). Release 2003.1AX. [CD- ROM]. Montvale: Thomson PDR; 2003.
Computer Program
Dean AG, Dean JA, Coulombier D, Brendel KA, Smith DC, Burton AH, et al. Epi info, version 6.04: a
word processing database and statistics program for public health on IBM- compatible
microcomputers. [Computer program]. Atlanta: Centers of Disease Control and Prevention;1998. World
Health Organization. WHO. Working to overcome the global impact of neglected tropical diseases, First
WHO report on neglected tropical diseases. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO Press; 2010.
Larsen CE, Trip R, Johnson CR. Methods for procedures related to the electrophysiology of the heart.
Patent No.5.529.067. Novoste Corporation; 1995.
Thesis and Dissertations
Joselevitch C. Visão no ultravioleta em Carassius auratus (Ostariophysi, Cypriformes, Cyprinidae):
estudo eletrofisiológico do sistema cone - células horizontais. [Master’s dissertation]. São Paulo: Instituto de Psicologia, USP; 1999.
Marcolongo R. Dissolução de medicamentos: fundamentos, aplicações, aspectos regulatórios e
perspectivas na área farmacêutica. [dissertação]. São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de
Ciências Farmacêuticas; 2003.
Unpublished results and Personal communication: Reference should appear in the text with the
individual name(s) and initials and not in the reference list.
(Santos CS, da-Silva GB, Martins LT, unpublished results).
It is assumed that the author has obtained permission from the source when personal communication is cited.